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Aches & Pains? Turmeric Is a Terrific Tonic for You and Your Tail-Wagging Best Friend
Working against aging joints and arthritis, turmeric is a top contender for keeping your dog moving.
Kristina Stellhorn
Jul 28, 20244 min read

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Dental Care in Foreign Countries
There was no way I was gonna let that Japanese dentist scare me into having bad teeth. Ha.
Kristina Stellhorn
Jul 27, 202410 min read

Nature - Not Crowds - in Northern Japan
Surrounded by farms and forests, Misawa is rife with natural resources...This peaceful part of the world offers everything but the big city!
Kristina Stellhorn
Jul 18, 20247 min read

Shiso Is the Shizz
Today I went to the small grocery story nearer to my home than the big one I usually frequent. I've been curious about that market for...
Kristina Stellhorn
Jun 24, 20243 min read

Are you a believer in natural medicines? Your dog should be chemical-free, too!
Try these simple and inexpensive, at-home remedies for your best friend. One comes straight from the Mutterland. While living in Germany...
Sep 6, 20233 min read

Raw Cacao: Brain Saver with Incredible Flavor
Reducing depression and blood pressure, increasing cognition and blood flow, staving off dementia and Alzheimer's. These are just a few...
Kristina Stellhorn
Aug 21, 20236 min read

Catching Up with a Freelance Creative Who Books Her Own Passage for Pets
Not long ago there appeared in my feed an online ad for the book International Pet Sitting by Amy McCune. The book's premise: a person...
Kristina Stellhorn
May 23, 20233 min read

This Costa Rican Experience Offers More Than Beaches and Bananas
Costa Rica - a popular vacation destination for many around the world - is a rugged country with coastlines that span the length of its...
Kristina Stellhorn
Apr 4, 20235 min read

Superfoods (Instead of Coffee) to Start Your Day Off Healthy and Warm
In December I was very sick. Christmas Day - and the five days before and after - was spent on the couch under blankets with a headache,...
Kristina Stellhorn
Mar 23, 20235 min read

What Are Mountain Apples, and How Can You Find Them in Hawaiʻi?
An interesting fruit that boasts an ancient history and a bite-sized crunch. Living in Hawaiʻi, one gets to taste many new foods, and...
Kristina Stellhorn
Mar 13, 20233 min read

Tickling: What is it, how does it make us feel, and why does that matter?
Our grandfather was a Nebraska farmer his whole life, an uncomplicated, quiet man with an easy smile and a gentle soul. After our...
Kristina Stellhorn
May 15, 20226 min read

How a Small Town Tavern Stood Up Against the Forces of Nature
Through a pandemic, an inferno and an ice storm, the Trio Tavern in Mill City, Oregon keeps on cookin’. The year 2020 started off with...
Kristina Stellhorn
Apr 13, 20225 min read

Surprisingly Simple, Cost-Free Sprain and Joint Relief Found on Every Shore
Learn about an ancient therapy that won’t cost you a penny. I sprained my ankle. Two weeks later, I re-sprained it. A week after that, I...
Kristina Stellhorn
Apr 11, 20227 min read

The Mystery and Magic of the Missing Yellow Towel
A strange occurrence took place on the island at the start of the school year. Moving classrooms, I was in search of a bucket and rag to...
Kristina Stellhorn
Aug 2, 20212 min read

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