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What Are Mountain Apples, and How Can You Find Them in Hawaiʻi?
An interesting fruit that boasts an ancient history and a bite-sized crunch. Living in Hawaiʻi, one gets to taste many new foods, and...
Kristina Stellhorn
Mar 13, 20233 min read

Seven West Side (Waiʻanae) Wonders You Shouldn't Miss When Visiting Oʻahu
Sure, everybody wants to visit Hawaiʻi at least once in their lifetime, right? It’s paradise. Literally. Beautiful beaches, friendly...
Kristina Stellhorn
Jul 14, 20227 min read

Destiny, God or the Universe Stepped In… and I Stepped OUT (of My Teaching Job)
Living in Hawaiʻi is a dream for many people. While living in Germany, it became one of my dreams as well, after meeting a Hawaiian man...
Kristina Stellhorn
Jun 7, 20225 min read

Surprisingly Simple, Cost-Free Sprain and Joint Relief Found on Every Shore
Learn about an ancient therapy that won’t cost you a penny. I sprained my ankle. Two weeks later, I re-sprained it. A week after that, I...
Kristina Stellhorn
Apr 11, 20227 min read

The Mystery and Magic of the Missing Yellow Towel
A strange occurrence took place on the island at the start of the school year. Moving classrooms, I was in search of a bucket and rag to...
Kristina Stellhorn
Aug 2, 20212 min read

Sunday Funday Redone-Day: Seeking Relaxation in a Country that Promotes Shopping on Sundays
In Germany and certain other European countries, Sunday is the day of rest for most. Deemed "Quiet Day," most shops and businesses are...
Kristina Stellhorn
Sep 6, 20203 min read

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